Archives for posts with tag: Texas

Red Ice Creations


Katie Deolloz is a member of CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering) and Colleague of Katherine Albrecht, a Privacy Expert and Award Winning Author. She joins us with Andrea Hernandez, a gutsy, liberty loving student in San Antonio, concerned with her God given rights, and her willingness to stand up against this privacy invading tracking technology. Katie begins speaking about RFID technology and how it can be used, including misused. We’ll cover the negative implications and how it can be dangerous. Then, Andrea joins us to tell her story of saying no to wearing “mandatory” RFID tracking in her San Antonio school. She tells us about her experience with the school faculty and her peers and shares her fears as well as desirable outcome in this fight. Later, we’ll discuss how people have been conditioned to accept RFID tracking, which is dehumanizing and infringing upon our freedoms.


Over the years, there have been numerous reports of unknown flying creatures throughout Texas.  The following article is from The Strangerest; no ownership is claimed over this article, it is being posted purely for educational purposes.

The Mysterious Flying Creatures of Texas

For centuries, many of the Native American tribes who live in the western half of the US have told stories of creatures known as thunderbirds. Big (and fierce) enough to feed on full-grown bison, with wings so powerful that they could produce thunderclaps, the birds hold a special place in tribal lore.

But could thunderbird legends be based on animals still living in remote parts of America?

In 1890, two Arizona cowboys claimed to have killed a gigantic, featherless bird. Photographs (which disappeared long ago) are said to have shown a strange creature with an alligator-like head and a wingspan longer than the length of a barn. Some believe that the bird’s description matches that of the extinct Pteranodon (see above).

In the years since, sightings of similar flying “monsters” have been surprisingly common, particularly in South Texas. According to one terrified San Antonio eyewitness, an enormous, black creature with “stooped-up shoulders” flew over his car less than ten years ago. In 1976, three school teachers reported that their car had been similarly “buzzed.”

Yet another reputable witness claims he once saw two of the birds perched on a hillside. “These creatures were so huge they looked like the size of small planes,” he said. “All of the sudden one of them jumped off dropped off the top of the mountain, came down the front of the mountain and all the sudden these huge wings just spread out. I would say the wings were at least a 20-foot wingspan.”

While the above article was rather short, I think it provided interesting information, along with pictures.  Another article, from The UnMuseum, is being reposted below.  No ownership is claimed over any of it; it is being posted purely for educational purposes.
Pterosaurs in Texas

While driving his cruiser through the wee hours one morning 1976, Policeman Arturo Padilla of San Benito, Texas, spotted something unusual in his headlights. It looked like a big bird. A really big bird. A few minutes later Padilla’s fellow officer, Homer Galvan, reported it also. It appeared as a black silhouette that glided through the air. According to Galvan, it never even flapped its wings.

A short time later Alverico Guajardo, a resident of Brownsville, Texas, reported he’d heard a thumping noise outside his mobile home at about nine-thirty at night. When he looked out the door, he saw a monstrous bird standing in his yard. “It’s like a bird, but it’s not a bird,” he said. “That animal is not from this world.”

The sighting of the strange bird didn’t end with the reports from Guajardo and the two policemen. Two sisters told of seeing a “big black bird” with “a face like a bat” near a pond outside of Brownsville.

Reports of this creature continued to multiply in the early months of 1976 until finally a radio station offered a reward for the creature’s capture. Soon after, a television station broadcast a picture of an alleged bird track measuring some twelve inches in length. As the media hype increased, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department took action, fearing that hunters might mistake a large, rare and protected bird (like a whooping crane) for this mysterious creature. They made an announcement saying, “All birds are protected by state or federal law.”

At about this same time several Texas schoolteachers told of seeing the strange flying creature, with a wingspan of at least 12 feet across, while they were driving to work. One of them checked the school library and found a name for the animal: A pterosaur.

The Pterosaurs

Pterosaurs were an order of reptiles that lived and went extinct with the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. They were the first true flying animals that had vertebrae. Their wings were composed of a membrane of skin that stretched from the side of the body, along the arm, out to the tip of an enormously-elongated fourth finger, and then back to the ankle. Like a bat, they had no feathers.

Computer analysis of pterosaur fossils suggest that they were slow gliders, capable of making very tight airborne turns. A large pteranodon, with a wingspan of 30 feet, could turn in mid-flight in a circle only 34 feet in diameter.

So what were extinct pterosaurs doing in Texas in the 20th century?

Strangely enough, Texas hasn’t been the only place plagued by aerial, reptilian predators from the past. In 1923 a writer by the name of Frank Melland who worked in what was then northern Rhodesia, in Africa, told of a strange flying creature in his book In Witchbound Africa. According to Melland, the natives called this animal a kongamato. Its wing span was four to seven feet across and it had a long beak full of teeth. The wings were featherless and resembled those of a bat. Melland sent for some books he had at his home and showed a picture of a pterodactyl (a type of pterosaur) to the tribesmen. Melland reported that “every native present immediately and unhesitatingly picked it out and identified it as a kongamato.”

Melland wasn’t the only one to hear of this beast. In 1942 Col. R. S. Pitman wrote about reports he’d heard about a flying creature living in the same region as Melland’s kongamato:

“…the most amazing feature of this mystery beast is its suggested identity with a creature bat-and-birdlike in form on a gigantic scale strangely reminiscent of the prehistoric pterodactyl.”

Nobody has yet to find a living pterosaur either in Africa or Texas, however. Is it possible that what people were seeing was a very big, but conventional bird? The largest American bird is the California condor. With an impressive wingspan of over ten feet they would be large enough to explain some of the Texas reports. California condors, however, are a rare and endangered species and it seems unlikely that one would have wandered so far from its home on the west coast without being spotted and recognized by bird watchers for what it really was.

Bird of Legend

There is another bird, more legend than fact, that might fit the Texas reports: The thunderbird.

Thunderbirds are a part of Native American myth. These huge, supernatural creatures were supposed to have caused thunder by flapping their wings and lightning by blinking their eyes. Though such powers are obviously in the realm of legend, there are occasional reports in certain sections of North America of sightings of a giant birds that seem to fit the thunderbird description.

The forested region along the Allegheny Plateau of Pennsylvania seems to get more than its share of thunderbird reports. In 1969 the wife of a local sheriff spotted a huge bird sitting in the middle of a creek near their cabin. When it took off and unfurled its wings she estimated it was about 75 feet across. A more recent thunderbird account, a little further east, comes from the New Jersey coastline where in 1970 several people saw a flying creature with a “wingspread almost like an airplane.”

Texas Quetzalcoatlus

Could a thunderbird have a wingspan as large as an airplane? The largest known flying animal of all time was a pterosaur called the Quetzalcoatlus. It had a wingspan as big as a small plane (over 40 feet) and weighed about 190 pounds. Unlike many of the other pterosaurs, Quetzalcoatlus lived inland and probably fed on the ground like modern storks by hunting small vertebrates on land or in small streams.

The Quetzalcoatlus, interestingly enough, brings us back to Texas. The first Quetzalcoatlus fossils were discovered in Big Bend National Park, Texas, in 1972, just four years before the first sightings of the Texas “Big Bird.” Is there a connection?

Have there been pterosaurs hiding in Texas for the last 65 million years? Or could it be the publicity surrounding the discovery of Quetzalcoatlus four years before triggered the misidentification of large birds like the sandhill crane, brown pelican or the vulture? We may never know, because after the two-month flap of sightings in 1976, reports of the big birds dwindled. The pterosaurs, if they ever existed, seem to have gone back into hiding.

Perhaps not for forever, though. Six years later, on September 14, 1982, James Thompson was driving on a road near Los Fresnos, Texas, when he saw something large glide low over the highway just ahead of him. He stopped and stared at the animal that seemed to fly without moving its wings. Thompson reported the creature had a black or gray color. Its body appeared to be covered with a rough-textured skin. The wings, which were five or six feet across, had no feathers.

When he got home, Thompson looked up the animal in a book. The book said it was a pterosaur.

A Partial Bibliography

The Ultimate Dinosaurs, Edited by Katie Orchard, Parragon Books, 2000.

Unexplained!, by Jerome Clark, Visable Ink Press, 1999.
Copyright Lee Krystek 2003. All Rights Reserved.


What are the flying creatures reported in Texas?  Living dinosaurs?  Thunderbirds, of Native American legend?  Both?  Research it further, and you be the judge…

Goatman is a mysterious creature that has commonly been sighted in Maryland; however, there have been numerous sightings in Texas, as well.  Reposted here is information about two different creatures in Texas known as Goatman.  The first section provides information for what is known as the Lake Worth Monster; the second provides information about a creature sighted in Denton, at the Old Alton Bridge.  While the Lake Worth Monster has not been regularly seen since the late-1960s, the creature in Denton has been sighted on a regular basis.  Make of these what you will.

The Lake Worth Monster

The following is taken from The Paranormal Files; no ownership is claimed over any of this material.

The Lakeworth Monster by Storm Jackson

During 1969, there was a creature spotted by many people near the area of Lake Worth in Texas. The creature was described by many as a monster, “half goat half man”. Some believe it was nothing more than a prankster, while others believe it was a real living being.
The story starts on July 10, when a man named John Reichart, his wife and two other couples went to a police station in Fort Worth. The police officers there noticed the people were so shaken up that they decided to investigate their story. The witnesses told the police while they were near the lake, a big creature jumped out at them and got on top of their car. They described the being as having scales and white hair, looking like a “half man, half goat” creature.

When the police went to the scene of this incident, there was nothing found. However, there was an eighteen inch scratch on the side of the car that the alleged monster jumped onto. The couples said the scratch was not on the car, before the incident happened. About 24 hours later there was another sighting of the lake worth monster.

About twenty four hours after the first sighting, a man named Jack Harris was driving near the Lake Worth Nature Center and said a creature walked right in his path. He said the creature was going up and down a hill. A crowd of forty people came and watched the mysterious beast. On this same day, the front page of the newspaper said “Fishy Man Goat Terrifies Couples Parked at Lake Worth”.

Police arrived on the scene with the crowd, and were about to become witnesses of this mysterious event. Everyone reportedly saw the creature, and the police saw it too. The witnesses say the beast threw a car tire at them and ran off into the brush.

During the months after this, people went looking for the lake worth monster with guns in hand. During one incident, it was claimed that the beast was shot, and a trail of blood was followed to the edge of the lake water. Another group of people looking for the creature claimed to have seen dead sheep with broken necks in the area. They say the sheep must have been killed by the beast.

It was later theorized after these events, that the lake worth monster was a bobcat. It was also thought that police might have caught pranksters with a costume, although this was never confirmed. If it was a prankster, he must have been very brave with all those people walking around with guns looking for the monster. The sightings died out in 1970, and no one has come forward to claim that they hoaxed the sightings.

“The Lake Worth Monster”
Jerome Clark, “Unexplained!” 1993

In her book “The Lake Worth Monster,” author Sallie Ann Clarke recalls a personal close encounter.

“It was not bobcat nor was it a sheep skin. It wasn’t a person dressed in a Halloween costume. It was really the terrorizing monster. It stood on its hind feet and ran like a man. It had white hair over most of its body and scales, too. It was a goat-fish-man. I’m sure it stood about six feet and nine inches tall and was undressed (It didn’t have any clothes on). It looked like it weighed 250 or 260 pounds,” she wrote. “It was the most pathetic sound I have ever heard. It went Grrrrrr, Brrr, Yeeeepe, Yuuuuuuuuuuu, and sounded almost as if it would cry any minute from the great pain it was in.”


In 1969, Allen Plaster supposedly took a picture of the Goatman, posted below.

This picture is very unusual…It’s hard to tell what exactly it’s a picture of.  It only adds more momentum to the mystery, however.

As stated earlier, the Lake Worth Monster has not been regularly seen since the late-1960s, so let’s leave this section as it is; make of the Lake Worth Monster what you will.


Goatman of Denton

The following is an excerpt taken from Cryptomundo; no ownership is claimed over any of this material.

Another such creature of distinctly Goatman proportions has been regularly reported at the 1884-built Old Alton Bridge in the town of Denton, which is situated only a short drive from the city of Dallas.

One legend says that, many years ago, wannabe devil-worshipers in the area inadvertently opened up a portal to some hellish realm that allowed the vile beast open access to our world. And now, today, and as a direct result of this reckless action, the Goatman has no intention at all of returning to the strange zone from which he appeared; hence his deep desire to forever haunt the old steel-and-wood bridge at Denton.

An even weirder story maintains that the Denton Goatman’s origins can be traced back to a resident of the town who, decades ago, slaughtered his entire family, and was quickly hanged as a punishment for his terrible crime. As the local legend tells it, at the moment he was hung, the man’s head was torn from his body by the weight of his form. And, for months, his spectral body returned to the world of the living with only one goal in mind: to find itself a brand new head, which it supposedly did by wrenching off the head of an innocent goat that had the great misfortune to be in the area at the time.

And clearly of very similar origins is yet another legend which suggests the man hung by the neck was a local goat farmer, one Oscar Washburn, who incurred the wrath of local Klansmen for, in their warped eyes, having the wrong color skin. In this version of events it is the Klan that kills the unfortunate family.

Was the “head-wrenching” story, in both versions, merely a tall tale? Of course, it was! But that does not take away the fact that local folk, on a number of occasions, have reported seeing the nightmarish beast roaming around the vicinity of the bridge. In other words, whatever the real origins of Denton’s Goatman, there does appear to be some substance to what many merely perceive as an entertaining piece of local hokum and nothing else.

As stated before, the Goatman of Denton has been sighted numerous times over the years; go onto Google and find them, there’s plenty…


Are the Goatmen of Texas real?  That’s for you to decide.  Research both creatures further on your own, and you be the judge.

(It was 64 years ago today when an Unidentified Flying Object crashed 30 miles south of Laredo, Texas.  One of the most looked-at UFO cases in history, this case is what helped jumpstart UFO awareness in not just the United States, but throughout the world.  This post uses material from Phantoms and Monsters; no ownership is claimed over this material, it is being posted purely for educational purposes)

The Laredo, Texas UFO Crash is a case in which at least two U.S. military aircraft allegedly chased a 90-foot diameter silver disc-shaped UFO across Texas before watching the object crash approximately 30 miles south-southwest of Laredo, Texas on July 7, 1948. U.S. servicemen were reportedly dispatched from a nearby military base to cordon off the UFO crash site until a special U.S. retrieval team arrived to examine the wreckage and carry it away to a military base in San Antonio, Texas. Supposedly, the badly burned body of a non-human entity was recovered from the crash site.

Much has been written about the strange body found in the Laredo UFO crash remains. He has been derisively called “Tomato Man” by the usual detractors in such cases. The fact is, this body was reportedly photographed in the remains of the UFO that came down in the crash.

U.S. Secretary of State, General George C. Marshall, reportedly intervened directly with the Mexican Government and obtained permission for U.S. Army personnel to recover the remains of a U.S.”Special Test Vehicle” that had gone out of control and crashed in Mexico. Col. John W. Bowen, USAF (Retired), then Provost Marshall at Cars-well AFB, was sent over to take immediate charge of cordoning off and controlling the area. The bulk of the residue was picked up on big Army Transporter Trucks and hauled to San Antonio Air Depot for study.

But before removal, a special photographer with a very high security clearance was flown down from White Sands Missile Test Genter in New Mexico in a light weight, special slow-flight photo-liaison airplane. As soon as a complete set of 8″x1O” prints were made, Commander Smith took than and left for Washington and the photo people never saw him again. The source of the two photos furnished claimed he had 40 negatives in all showing this crash scene.

Information was extracted from a series of letters from the original photographer to MARCEN, a fledgling UFO Journal. The following is from that report:

“What that team observed and photographed was an unearthly-shaped craft made up of earthly-looking debris. The basic structure looked as if it could have been built by earthly hands. Things were badly burned by the time the photographers got to the site, but they noticed a complete absence of any type of wiring, rubber, glass, plastics, wood, or paper products.

“Our source noticed what was some supportive structures, which were held together by what appeared to be conventional bolts but when “the mechanics attempted to unscrew them with wrenches, they would not turn at all. They had to be eventually chiseled off and the metal was very hard, The Army was using carbide and diamond drills and diamond saws for the final disassembly. There appeared to be two kinds of metal involved. The first and most abundant could not be cut by the oxy-acety-lene cutting torches brought in. The second immediately began burning when the cutting torches were used on it.

“The structural skin of the craft was apparently blown away in the explosion when the device crashed as the whole valley was littered with fragments of what appeared to be foil, very much like our cigarette packages, only much harder. You could not bend the material-Before anyone could leave the site, the MPs searched them and confiscated all fragments that had been collected.

“As best the source could ascertain, the craft was nearly perfectly circular and was about 90 feet in diameter and about 28 feet in thickness at the center and tapering off to about 5 feet thick at the perimeter.

“There appeared to be 5 or six levels in the center of the craft and they were told some sort of instrumentation and machinery were removed before they had arrived. No propulsion system or mechanism was apparent to the source.

“There was only one body, and it was badly burned at that, still in the structure. Our source photographed it in place in the structure as best he could with the intense heat from the still smouldering remains • and the burning hot sand. After they had taken photos of the entire scene and attempted to use multiple flash guns and a tripod to record the overall scene from a nearby hillside, The Air Force crash and rescue firemen on the scene dragged the body from the craft and put it on a nearby bank so they could photograph it away from the intense heat.

“During their briefing, before photographic work began, one of the team members asked what this was and where it came from. The commander told him not to ask. An Army Captain who assisted them said the little fellow we were photographing did not come from this Earth.

“They only saw and photographed one body but rumors were floating around the site that two or more creatures had been blown out of the vehicle and were captured and taken away injured severely but still alive. Our source said he had no confirmation of this aspect of the case.

“The body they photographed was 4′ 6” long. Its head was extremely large for the body size by human proportions. The eyes were gone from the fire but the eyesockets were much larger than in humans and were almost wraparound as if to give 180 degree vision. There were no visible ears or nose but there were openings where ears and nostrils would have been in humans. There were no lips and the mouth was just a sort of slit with no teeth or tongue. There were two legs of normal proportions with short feet having no discernible toes. The two arms were longer than in humans and the hands had four claw-like fingers each with no apparent thumbs. The arms and legs appeared to have joints in approximately the same places as in humans.

“There were two Army doctors that arrived on the morning of July 8th and they made a superficial examination of the body. Cur source listened to them while taking photos of their work. There was no teeth or tongue in the mouth and no apparent duct connecting the mouth to any part of digestive system. There was no reproductive organs visible by human standards. The most remarkable thing he overheard was that no stratified (sic) muscle fibre was discovered in any of the extremities. The tissue, which was gray in color was extremely smooth and the doctors compared its consistency to the tissue of a human female breast. They said that the bone structure in the extremities too was more complicated than in humans and speculated that motion may have been accomplished through the supporting bones instead of muscles. The entire abdomen was encased by a rib-like structure all the way to the hips. The doctors were amazed that the right arm extremity had a metallic joint at the elbow, No external examinations were made at the site.

“The hands each had four digits, longer than human fingers,and they tapered to an almost claw-like appearance at the tip. There were no opposing digits like thumbs. There was no visible evidence of toes and the feet came to a blunt point. The body appeared to have been clothed in a metallic-like material, most of which had been burned away.

“The doctors said there was no evidence of hair growing on the head or other areas of the body as they found no immediate evidence of hair roots. The only fluid found in the apparent veins in the extremities was colorless with a slight green cast and a strong sulfurous odor.

“Our source noticed a strong sulfurous odor and an ozone smell when working around the burning structure.”

In November 1979, MARCEN was able to obtain the negative from which a print was made. This original negative was then analyzed by Kodak and other photo laboratories. Eastman Kodak concluded that their analysis indicated a negative that had been processed at least thirty years previously. Their tests also showed no evidence of deliberate hoaxing, at least photographically, in making the negative.

In May 1980 the contact sent a second negative shewing the body it lay in vegetation on a slope. That one was also examined and and found to be equivalent to the first. Now there were two photos.

On August 22, 1980 the photos were released to the Associated Press in two areas and to newspapers and broadcast stations.

After the release, most of the reaction was that this was a hoax though other photo analysis concurred Kodak’s previous conclusions. As well, MARCEN was looked upon as the party responsible for initiating the ruse.

The crash site is about 30 miles SSW of Laredo not far from the highway to Mexico City, and near where the Rio Sabinas joins the Rio Salado before they empty into the Rio Grande, in The Sierra Madre Oriental.

Texas Monthly magazine recently included the Laredo UFO Crash on a list of the eight most significant UFO cases in Texas history. Interestingly, this case is said to have occurred almost exactly one year after the more famous Roswell UFO Incident. Rumors about this case first began circulating in the 1950s, although details were not widely known until 1977. This case shares similarities with the Del Rio, Texas UFO Crash of 1955 and the Coyame UFO Incident of 1974, both of which reportedly also occurred along the Texas-Mexico border.